Universitat Rovira i Virgili

International Relations

Customer service hours

  Office 2.6 Tuesday 10:00 – 13:00

Remote service


Mobility Coordinator

Dr. Roger Miralles Jori


977 75 89 22

Office 2.6

Our university is closely linked through bilateral agreements with various state, European and worldwide universities. The different university studies within the URV are governed by the International Centre which is in charge of establishing these agreements and allow students to enjoy periods of time in other universities.

It consists in the students studying courses of their degree at another university, as long as there is an agreement between both institutions. The length of the stay can be a quarter or a year, depending on the students' requirements.

In the same way as our students leave, we also receive students from other universities. From our School of Architecture in Reus, we take care of the students moving plans in the best possible way. We inform them where they can go, how they can go, scholarships they can obtain and, most importantly, we monitor the courses they will be studying.

We offer different mobility programs, depending on the requirements of each student. These destinations vary each year, always trying to incorporate new destinations.

SICUE Program (Spain)

(SICUE) "Exchange Program between Spanish Universities" is a student mobility program established by Spanish universities that are part of the CRUE (Spanish Universities Rector Conference). This program gives students the opportunity to study part of their degree at another university with the guarantee of academic recognition.

A Coruña Universidade da Coruña
Granada Universidad de Granada
Valencia Universitat Politècnica de València

ERASMUS Program + (EEEA)

This mobility program allows for a period of study in a higher education institution in another European country in order to obtain academic recognition that has previously agreed on the foreign study program and its equivalence in the URV.

Germany University of Stuttgart
France École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Normandie
  École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris La Villete
Italy Facoltà di Architettura Politecnico di Bari
  Facoltà di Architettura e Società. Politecnico di Milano
  Politecnico di Torino
  Universitá Degli Studi di Palermo
  Universitá Degli Studi di Bari
  Universitá Kore Enna
Poland Politechnika Lubleska
Portugal Universidade do Minho
Xipre University of Cyprus

MOU Program (out of the EEEA)

The MOU program consists in the completion of a period of study at a foreign higher education institution which has URV agreement outside the EEEA.

Argentina Universidad Nacional de la Plata
Brazil Universidade Federal Do Amapá
  Universidade Paulista
México Instituto Tecnològico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
  Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

In addition, we offer some destinations that have the same characteristics as the MOU program, but are shared with other degrees of the URV:

Bolivia Católica Boliviana "San Pablo"
United States Northeastern University
México Universidad de Colima
  Universidad Veracruzana
  Universidad de Guadalajara
Nicaragua Universidad Centroamericana
Xile Universidad Autónoma de Chile
  Universidad Diego Portales

ISEP Program (USA)

This mobility program is aimed at degree students of the URV that wish to perform an academic exchange in one of the 150 universities in the United States that participate in the ISEP network.

DRAC Program

The DRAC program is an initiative of the XVU (Vives University Network) that aims to enhance the mobility of all levels of the university community of the institutions members of the XVU.

INU Program (Japan)

The INU program offers four courses to be attended at the University of Hiroshima, Japan. They are held in early August and conducted entirely in English, which is why it is necessary that students have a minimum level of English.
