The construction of the European Higher Education Area (EEES) allows for the enhancement of quality and international competitiveness of higher education in Europe, enabling an increase in mobility and employability of European university graduates. This system is based on a comparable structure of degrees and ultimately, should enable Europe to foster economic growth and social development.
The School of Architecture has developed its own quality policy in line with the quality policy of the University, which complements the existing strategic plans and regulations.
The URV has defined its policy and strategy of teaching quality, as well as the responsibilities in ensuring the quality of teaching; it has developed an Internal System for Quality Assurance (SIGQ) based on the continuous improvement cycle (plan, do, assess, act accordingly and accountability)
Within this context, the School of Architecture has designed and approved the Centre's Quality Manual, (under review), defining and documenting processes that make up its system of internal quality assurance.
Currently, the review processes are: PR-ETSA-007, PR-ETSA-010, PR-ETSA-020, PR-ETSA-021
Within the EEES, the degree must have available a quality monitoring system that ensures the correct implementation and accreditation.
In order to monitor the quality of the Degree of Architecture, ETSA has conducted the following actions: