Internship in the Degree of Architecture is defined as an elective subject due to the high compulsory nature of the degree. Consequently, the optional nature permits a flexible mechanism to adapt internship credits to the offers of the host offices. The elective internship courses are performed in the fourth and fifth course of the programme with a total of 12 credits ECTS.
The intention of the internship is that the student develops projects and activities related to the professional skills of the architect in different fields of project execution, such as housing and facilities, urban and territorial planning, architectural heritage and technologies in architectures as well as the possibility of developing activities inherent in companies of the construction sector in which the architect is professionally involved.
Curricular Internship
The procedure to perform the internship is the following:
- Enrol in the elective or electives: Internship I (4th year) Internship II and III (5th year).
- Before signing the Internship Agreement you must have a complete TRAINING PLAN.
- You must sign the Agreement, the company must sign the Agreement, deliver it signed and registered to the OSD (2nd floor). It can be collected in approximately two days.
- When you have signed up for Social Security, send a copy to osd.etsa(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat
- When the internship is completed you must bring the COMPANY TUTOR REPORT + the ACADEMIC TUTOR REPORT + your INTERNSHIP BRIEF to the coordinator
Extracurricular Internship
The procedure to perform the internship is the following.
- Fill out the TRAINING PLAN.
- You must sign the Agreement, the company must sign the Agreement, deliver it signed and registered to the OSD (2nd floor). It can be collected in approximately two days.
- When you have signed up for Social Security, send a copy to osd.etsa(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat
- When the internship is completed you must bring the COMPANY TUTOR REPORT + the ACADEMIC TUTOR REPORT + your INTERNSHIP BRIEF to the coordinator.
NOTE: In accordance with the new regulations, no more than 750 hours of practical work (whether curricular or extracurricular) can be done in the entire Bachelor of Architecture.
Recognition of work experience
Those persons who can demonstrate a certain work experience, can request recognition of the elective courses Internship I, II and III. See the information table here. Process the request with the School Secretariat (ground floor).
Agreement | ||
Company tutor report | ||
Internship brief |